Listado de los cursos realizados por el Doctor Adrián Cuéllar Ayestarán durante su trayectoria profesional dirigidos a la especialización y perfeccionamiento de su labor como especialista en Traumatología, Cirugía ortopédica y Artroscopia.
Cursos rodilla Cursos cadera Cursos hombro
Otros cursos:
- AGA (Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie) congress. Basel. 15-17th of September. 2016
- Meet the expert evolution in total elbow arthroplasty. Frankfurt. 14th of June. 2016
- VII International Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course. San Sebastian. 21th-23th of October. 2015
- National Congress of the Spanish Orthopedic Surgery and Trauma Society. Valencia. 2015
- International advanced course on elbow surgery. Madrid 2015
- SECHC Congress 2015. Gran Canaria. 5-7th of March. 201
- 6th edition of the Santander International Orthopaedic Meeting. Santander. 13-14th of February. 201
- Course on introduction to the Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology speciality. Practical application of the basic sciences. Madrid. 13t-14th of June 2013.